Bring Out Your Dead! 803: Bleeding Cool’s The Walking Dead LIVE-BLOG!

Thanks for joining us for our next edition of Bring Out Your Dead! 803: Bleeding Cool’s The Walking Dead LIVE-BLOG!, as we take a look at tonight’s third episode of the eighth season “Monsters” in real time. 'The Walking Dead Episode 8×03 ‘Monsters’: Conflict with the Saviors leads to unintended consequences for the Hilltop, the Kingdom, and Alexandria; morality proves tricky in wartime.' After seven seasons, 99 episodes and about a million ‘CORALS!”, AMC‘s The Walking Dead is charging into Season 8 declaring “All Out War!” That’s right, after a seventh season that danced a merengue on every one of our last nerves like a razor sharp porcupine quill, the time has finally come for Rick (Andrew Lincoln) and his army to finally take the good fight to Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) and The Saviors. And when the dust settles, there won’t be enough detergent in what’s left of the world to clean up the mess left behind…

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