Happy Trails! Episode 102: Join Us for Bleeding Cool’s Happy! Live-Blog!

Thanks for joining us for our second edition of Happy Trails!, Bleeding Cool’s live-blog of Syfy‘s Happy! and tonight's second episode, 'What Smiles Are For." So it looks like we've established some basic "ground rules" after last week's debut episode: Christopher Meloni's Nick Sax is, a cynical, alcoholic ex-detective turned hitman who gets a new "friend" in the form of Happy (Patton Oswalt), the imaginary friend of a young girl who's been kidnapped by a psychopathic Santa (Joseph D. Reitman). Complicating matters is that Sax's old boss, wealthy crime boss Francisco "Mr. Blue" Scaramucci (Ritchie Coster), wants him dead; and now that he thinks he's in possession of a precious password, he really wants him dead. That's a cue for Smoothie (Patrick Fischler), Mr. Blue's right-hand torturer and resident expert in unpleasant interrogations. Did I mention that Sax is left trusting old "friend" Det. Meredith McCarthy (Lili Mirojnick), a resilient homicide detective who just so happens to also be in the pocket of Mr. Blue? Or that the little girl that was kidnapped is actually Sax's daughter. Yeah - thought that might be important...

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