Happy Trails! Episode 105: Join Us for Bleeding Cool’s Happy! Live-Blog!

Thanks for joining us after a two week break for our fifth edition of Happy Trails!, Bleeding Cool’s live-blog of Syfy‘s Happy! and tonight’s fifth episode, ‘White Sauce? Hot Sauce?". Less of a “formal review” and more of a “revap”-type (review/recap) thing, we’re covering the nitty and the gritty of the episode, along with some of my thoughts on what worked and what should’ve be left untouched by human hands. If you’re not familiar with the comic book series, then you should definitely keep that in mind as you keep reading or watching. If you know what’s coming, then spoilers probably aren’t going to be a big deal for you; but there may be some discussion (translation: rants) of either subtle changes or drastic differences that you might want to avoid until you see them for yourself.

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